Personal Kit System 2018

Design 3, Catedra Naso. Tp2 2018 . FADU

Develop individually a product concept within the theme of the Personal Kit System (SKP) that can be materialized as a prototype for its operation and evaluation. The idea is to show how the concept with all the semantic values ​​of the theme and use materializes, taking direct contact with the reality of the different phases of productive development. It will be divided into 3 different types of recreational activities, they will have to design the complete system with a minimum of 5 pieces that includes 3 stages, transportation, preparation and last consumption. – Teaching team: Rodrigo De Salvo (JTP) / Marco Sanguinetti / Matías Pallás / Diego Gonzalez King / Nieves Yanarello / Mariano Sanchez / Federico Torres / Gonzalo Kaiser.