Design 3, tp1 Catedra Naso. 2015 . FADU
Main contents: Semantics and technology given by context / Design of argument to justify the product. Modality: Individual. Initial research in teams of 3 students. Stages: Research / Proposal / Development. Number of classes: 10 classes. Summary: A film will be assigned for each student (8 to distribute among 120 students). They will analyze the context, argued, art design, technological conditioning, among other aspects in groups of 3. They will elaborate a normative design manual for the analyzed user. Individually they will present design proposals for a new object of manual scale that, imaginatively, will be inserted in the object world of the chosen character respecting the physical laws of the context, sound of the object and the analyzed technological evolutionary level. They will develop one of the proposals to adjust it to the symbolic and technical aspects analyzed above. Teaching staff D3Naso2015: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Silvana Zamborlini, Ezequiel Mendez Christie, Diego Martin, Diego Gonzalez King, Maria Egan, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Ariana Lifschitz #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba