Design 3, tp1 Catedra Naso. 2014 . FADU
On Monday, June 2, 2014 the results of TP1 of Industrial Design 3, Cátedra Naso, were presented. In this case, the students worked individually on the proposal of an object for Heroes or Villain and the corresponding development of the symbolic aspects. (in the first image: the Heroes and Villains that were assigned to each student). The main objective of this TP was to exercise the domain of the symbolic variables of the products. Considering, also, the rules of each universe proposed in the games, for the resolution of the technology, the movements and sounds of each object. Here we publish some sheets with the designed products (in total approximately 100 projects were submitted). Teaching team D3Naso2014: JTP Rodrigo de Salvo, Silvana Zamborlini, Luciana Quinteros, Ezequiel Mendez Christie, Diego Martin, Diego Gonzalez King, Maria Egan.