Urban Unipersonal Transport 2014

Design 3, tp5 Catedra Naso. 2014 . FADU

Main contents: Product system / Sustainability / Product semantics / Transport / Ergonomics / Design of the interior space if it had it. Mode: Individual Stages: Research / Proposal / Development. Utilities: 5 types of utility vehicles to be confirmed (possible: Recreational / Distributor of meals / Maintenance of public spaces / Promotions / Medical or mechanical care / Clerk / Traffic control or road education). Synthesis: Each student will work on a typology of utilitarian vehicle. They will analyze conditions of use and context in group form, to then elaborate a proposal for the design of a single-seat vehicle in an individual form, with electric motor or mechanical system of human traction, for the urban environment. The width of a standard car will be considered as maximum dimensions, so that it can be parked transversally, besides it will use a minimum of 1 wheel and a maximum of 3. Teaching team D3Naso2014: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Silvana Zamborlini, Ezequiel Méndez Christie, Diego Martin, Diego Gonzalez King, Maria Egan, Matias Pallas