Design 3, tp4 Catedra Naso. 2016 . FADU
Main contents: Strategic thinking / Systems / Sustainability / Product semantics / Transport / Ergonomics / Brand identity. Modality: Individual. Stages: Research / Strategic Proposal / Development. Number of classes: 13 classes. Environment: Urban, Federal Capital. Scope: Public or Private. Summary: The students will develop a small Portable Electric Unipersonal Vehicle for the urban environment. The sequence of access to public transport will be taken into account with it, its use, climate protection, possible return, innovative technologies for its operation, if it is foldable, etc. This tp will be done individually. Analyze the issue in depth to then develop strategies and present a package of actions, solutions and proposals that aim to solve the issue in a given area, thus simulating the implementation of them as part of public strategies designed under the design practice taking into account its future implementation to 5 years. They will have to apply the identity of a chosen brand without the application of logo and / or logo. Teaching team D3Naso2016: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Ezequiel Méndez Christie, Matias Pallas, Silvana Zamborlini, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Nieves Yanarello #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba