Design 3, tp2 Catedra Naso. 2016 . FADU
Main contents: We are interested, mainly, in the development of systems. In this sense, there will be a commitment in the strategy of each project with the structural, symbolic and functional development of each component of the system. The design experience will also be taken into account under real guidelines with future implementation of the resulting products. Likewise, emphasis will be placed on its minimum design, how innovative are its formal resources and formal quality of its components. Modality: Group of 3 students Stages: Research / Proposal / Development. Number of classes: 13 classes. Summary: Develop in a group of 3 students a product concept within the theme Cooking System (10 pieces) that can be materialized as prototype 3 of its components. The idea is to show how the concept with all the semantic and use values materializes, taking direct contact with the reality of the different phases of productive development. It will be divided into 4 different types of food and you will have to design the cooking system with pieces to cook a first course, main course and dessert of a menu pre-defined by the student. Types of food: Bolivian, Thai, Indu, Armeña, Japanese and Greek. Delivery format: Presentation Poster A3 (horizontal) + Digital File 70x100cm 72dpi (horizontal) + Plans 1: 1 according to IRAM standards Evaluation: Development process / Work class to class / Teamwork / Reaction to Comments received / reflection capacity / Project evolution / Quality of the proposal (analysis-proposal relationship, clarity and justification of the strategy and components) / Development and concretions (development of the structural, ergonomic, functional, symbolic and productive system, quality of the details) / Presentation (layout and quality of information in sheets, models) Teaching team D3Naso2016: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Ezequiel Mendez Christie, Matias Pallas, Silvana Zamborlini, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Nieves Yanarello #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba