Di:EX Talk

Thanks to the UNRaf for the invitation to participate in DI: EX 2018, a day of talks on industrial design experiences, where I present different experiences in the development of products throughout my professional career as Director of DipAgency. It was held on Thursday, November 1, at the Club de Automoviles Antiguos de Rafaela (CAAR). It had an important attendance of students, entrepreneurs, teachers and design professionals. The event was presented by the Dean of UNRaf, Dr. Rubén Ascúa, and the director of the Bachelor of Industrial Design, DI. Pablo Bianchi. It also had the presence of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Rosario Cristiani; the Secretary of Articulation with the Community, Eng. Franco Blatter; and the Secretary General, Mr. Mauricio Caussi.  speakers: DI Martín Burgos; DI Rodrigo de Salvo; DI Daniela Bernini; DI Inés Eguchi; DI Andrés Sasia; DI Dario Mercuri; and DESIGN COOPERATIVE (Bs.As.)