Category: FADU

Urban Unipersonal Transport 2014

Design 3, tp5 Catedra Naso. 2014 . FADU

Main contents: Product system / Sustainability / Product semantics / Transport / Ergonomics / Design of the interior space if it had it. Mode: Individual Stages: Research / Proposal / Development. Utilities: 5 types of utility vehicles to be confirmed (possible: Recreational / Distributor of meals / Maintenance of public spaces / Promotions / Medical or mechanical care / Clerk / Traffic control or road education). Synthesis: Each student will work on a typology of utilitarian vehicle. They will analyze conditions of use and context in group form, to then elaborate a proposal for the design of a single-seat vehicle in an individual form, with electric motor or mechanical system of human traction, for the urban environment. The width of a standard car will be considered as maximum dimensions, so that it can be parked transversally, besides it will use a minimum of 1 wheel and a maximum of 3. Teaching team D3Naso2014: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Silvana Zamborlini, Ezequiel Méndez Christie, Diego Martin, Diego Gonzalez King, Maria Egan, Matias Pallas

Game System prototype 2014

Design 3, tp2 Catedra Naso. 2014 . FADU

Second stage, some prototypes of the Tp2 2014

Game System 2014

Design 3, tp2 Catedra Naso. 2014 . FADU

Stages: Research / Proposal / Development. Number of classes: 10 classes. Summary: Develop a product concept within the thematic game system that can be materialized as a prototype, by a team of students. The idea is to show how the concept with all the semantic and use values ​​materializes, taking direct contact with the reality of the different phases of productive development. Teaching team D3Naso2014: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Silvana Zamborlini, Luciana Quinteros, Ezequiel Méndez Christie, Diego Martin, Diego Gonzalez King, Maria Egan

Food Design 2014

Design 3, tp3 Catedra Naso. 2014 . FADU

Stages: Research / Proposal Number of classes: 5 classes. Synthesis: Each student will be assigned a theme (gummies, cookies, snacks, dry pasta, ice cream and chocolate). The context will be analyzed, he argued, technological conditioning, among other aspects in groups of 3. They will elaborate a normative design manual for the analyzed topic. Individually they will present design proposals for a new food. They will develop one of the proposals to adjust it to the symbolic and technical aspects analyzed above. Teaching team D3Naso2014: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Silvana Zamborlini, Luciana Quinteros, Ezequiel Méndez Christie, Diego Martin, Diego Gonzalez King, Maria Egan

Object Heroes Vs Villains 2014

Design 3, tp1 Catedra Naso. 2014 . FADU

On Monday, June 2, 2014 the results of TP1 of Industrial Design 3, Cátedra Naso, were presented. In this case, the students worked individually on the proposal of an object for Heroes or Villain and the corresponding development of the symbolic aspects. (in the first image: the Heroes and Villains that were assigned to each student). The main objective of this TP was to exercise the domain of the symbolic variables of the products. Considering, also, the rules of each universe proposed in the games, for the resolution of the technology, the movements and sounds of each object. Here we publish some sheets with the designed products (in total approximately 100 projects were submitted). Teaching team D3Naso2014: JTP Rodrigo de Salvo, Silvana Zamborlini, Luciana Quinteros, Ezequiel Mendez Christie, Diego Martin, Diego Gonzalez King, Maria Egan.

Electric vehicle 2013

Design 3, tp5 Catedra Naso. 2013 . FADU

On November 18, 2013, TP5 concluded: Design of an electric vehicle. That day the slides and models were exhibited in the corridors of the 3rd floor of the FADU. The TP5 was developed in groups of 3 members. The challenge was to develop a proposal for exterior and interior design for an electric utility vehicle. We worked on the base chassis corresponding to the Twizy model, of Renault. The main objective of this exercise was to develop semantic skills in the development of a complex product. In the delivery, models were presented in scale 1:10, presentation sheets and side view 1: 1 of the proposal. Here we publish some images (a total of 40 projects were presented, developed by groups of 3 members – a total of 120 students participated). Teaching team D3 Naso 2013: Marco Sanguinetti, Rodrigo de Salvo, Matías Pallás, Josefina Grinberg, Natalia Abramzon, Ezequiel Méndez Christie, Gimena Piu Racamati, Silvana Schuckman, Tamara Bobrow, Federico Varone and Federico Agüero. During the process we received the very valuable visits of Agustín Pérez and Christian Palladino with his team. To all of them: Thank you very much!

Food packaging Popular vs Premium 2013

Design 3, tp3 2013 Catedra Naso. FADU

In the second half of 2011, in addition to the TP4 (electric motorcycle), TP3 was developed: Food packaging. This time, the students worked individually on the design of 2 containers for assigned contents: dulce de leche, jam, honey, whiskey, water, oil, isotonic drinks, eggs or snacks. We worked, fundamentally, on the semantic aspects in the products. Directing each of the 2 containers to a specific market: one popular, the other exclusive. The relationship of the physical product with the corporate image was also exercised by applying to each container a mark that (in reality) did not correspond to the contained product. The TP was composed of 3 methodological stages: research and presentation of strategic plan, preparation and presentation of design proposal, and product development. In the delivery, models were presented in real scale and sheets with information about the use, the morphology, the productive processes and the communication in the products. Here we publish some images (a total of 110 works were presented). Teaching team D3Naso2011: Marco Sanguinetti, Rodrigo de Salvo, Verónica Mercer, Matías Pallás, Javier Gonzalez King, Valentin Cristiani, Gimena Piu Racamati, Silvana Schuckman, Tamara Bobrow, Ignacio Dávola and Marco Madia.

Object for a video game 2013

Design 3, tp1 2013 Catedra Naso. FADU

On Monday, April 22, 2013 the results of TP1 of Industrial Design 3, Cátedra Naso, were presented. In this case, the students worked individually on the proposal of an object for a video game and the corresponding development of the symbolic aspects (in the first image: the 10 video games that were assigned to each student). The main objective of this TP was to exercise the domain of the symbolic variables of the products. Considering, also, the rules of each universe proposed in the games, for the resolution of the technology, the movements and sounds of each object. Here we publish some sheets with the designed products (a total of 131 projects were presented). Teaching team D3Naso2012: Marco Sanguinetti, Matías Pallás, Rodrigo de Salvo, Josefina Grinberg, Natalia Abramzon, Ezequiel Méndez Christie, Gimena Piu Racamati, Silvana Schuckman, Tamara Bobrow, Federico Varone and Federico Agüero.

Design of public policies 2013

Design 5, 2013 Catedra Naso. 2011 . FADU

During the last days of June and the first days of July 2013, TP4 was developed: Design of public policies. There, the students pretended to be part of government advisory teams, to propose solutions to problems that affect society. The challenge was to develop proposals in the form of strategic action systems. —— This experience did not include the development of material objects, something that is new for Industrial Design workshops. But it should not be ignored that the presence of this exercise in the plan of the course was possible thanks to the existence of five other complementary exercises, where the material object is present. —— 125 students formed 25 teams composed of 5 members each. From the Chair, the topics to be addressed in each team were assigned. The topics were: 1. Improvement of the arrival / departure experience in Ezeiza, 2. Improvement of the train transport experience, 3. Improvement of the experience of attendance to football stadiums, 4. Improvement of care in hospital guards. , 5. Prevention and medical assistance to children in school, 6. Maintenance of green spaces, 7. Solutions for people in street situations, 8. Plan of action for emergencies due to floods, 9. Reduction of noise pollution, 10. Reduction of visual pollution, 11. Procedures and personal management for illiterate people, 12. Healthy eating plan, 13. Improvement of quality of life for the elderly. —— The students were guided to work in an initial stage of research. There, they analyzed scenarios, actors and resources, surveyed similar experiences and sought to identify opportunities. Then, they went through a stage of strategic development, where they defined a cut of the field of action, developed a map of objectives, presented proposals of actions and a brief plan of implementation and subsequent evaluation of results. —— The final delivery was formalized through the following components: 1. A sheet of 80cmx120cm, with an infographic of the project; 2. An A3 folder, with the complete investigation, the strategic proposal and the corresponding annexes; 3. A 3 minute video with the synthesis of the work developed; 4. The oral presentation, in 3 minutes, accompanied by 10 projected images. —— Teaching team D3 2013: Marco Sanguinetti, Rodrigo de Salvo, Matías Pallás, Josefina Grinberg, Natalia Abramzon, Ezequiel Méndez Christie, Gimena Piu Racamati, Tamara Bobrow, Silvana Schuckman, Federico Varone and Federico Agüero.

Final Project, D5 Naso 2012

Design 5, 2012 Catedra Naso. 2011 . FADU

Some D5 prototypes.