Design 3, tp3 Catedra Naso. 2015 . FADU
Summary: The students will develop a system of public or private kindergartens of private bicycles for the urban area, working modules that can contain safely and protected 20 bicycles with an approximate surface of 25 m2, these modules should be multiplied according to the need in the chosen field to implement from 20 (1 module) to 60 bicycles (3 modules). It will take into account the sequence of access, use, climate protection and vandalism, return, innovative technologies for its operation, service areas related to the bicycle, etc. It is not necessary to design the bicycle since these are the private nature of each user. This tp will be done in groups of 3 students. Analyze the issue in depth to then develop strategies and present a package of actions, solutions and proposals that aim to solve the issue in a given area, thus simulating the implementation of them as part of public strategies designed under the design practice taking into account its future implementation to 5 years. Teaching team D3Naso2015: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Silvana Zamborlini, Ezequiel Mendez Christie, Diego Martin, Diego Gonzalez King, Maria Egan, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Ariana Lifschitz #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba