Author: RDS

Design of public policies 2016

Design 3, Catedra Naso. 2016 . FADU

The challenge was to develop proposals in the form of strategic action systems to provide solutions to conflict systems. —— This exercise lasted 4 classes, during August 2016. 27 groups of 5 members each were formed. In total 130 students participated, from workshops D3, D4 and D5. —— The topics addressed were: 01. Arrival / departure at Buenos Aires Airport 02. Arrival / departure at intercity train stations 03. Arrival / departure at combis stop 04. Maintenance / protection of green spaces 05. Maintenance / protection of sidewalks 06. Assistance to football stadiums 07. Assistance to mass shows 08. Improvement of the quality of life for the elderly 09. Promotion and management of sports practices 10. Promotion and management of artistic practices 11. Attention in hospital guards in CABA 12. Medical assistance to children in schools —— Teaching team: Eduardo Naso / Marco Sanguinetti / Gustavo Marinic / Rodrigo de Salvo / Matías Pallás / Martín Bozzola / Valentín Cristiani / Nieves Yanarello / Federico Agüero / Sabrina Saladino / Diego Martín / Ezequiel Méndez Christie / Silvana Zamborlini / Seishu Zakimi.

Products for Star Wars 2017

Design 3, tp1 Catedra Naso. 2017 . FADU

Products were designed for the different episodes of Star Wars: 1999 – Episode I / 2002 – Episode II / 2005 – Episode III / 2016 – Rogue One / 1977 – Episode IV / 1980 – Episode V / 1983 – Episode VI / 2015 – Episode VII / 2008 – Star Wars Clone Wars. – Individually, design proposals for a new object of manual scale were developed to incorporate a chosen character and scene, respecting the physical laws of the context and the technological criteria of the film. We worked fundamentally on the design of the symbolic aspects. – Teaching team: Rodrigo De Salvo (JTP) / Matías Pallás / Silvana Zamborlini / Ezequiel Mendez Christie / Mariano Sanchez / Federico Torres / Nieves Yanarello.

Interior Bus Boat 2016

Design 3, tp5 Catedra Naso. 2016 . FADU

Main contents: Strategy / Product system / Sustainability / Product semantics / Transport / Ergonomics. Modality: Group of 3 students Stages: Research / Proposal / Development. Number of classes: Until the end of the year 15 classes. Typology: Collective passenger boat. Summary: Each group will work on a given type of collective boat interior. They will analyze conditions of use and context, to then elaborate a design proposal with a package of motor, chassis, hull of an existing motorboat (tiger collective boat). The entire classroom will work on the same mechanical / structural platform. Pedagogical Objectives: The aim is to focus on product development and not so much on functional mechanical development. The design of the symbolic aspects is fundamental. We will work on Strategy, product semantics. It will also be important to develop the ergonomic aspects (not limited to the tactile). We will have the challenge of the design of the space perceived from the “interior” of the vehicle. We are interested in putting systemic thinking into practice. The vehicle represents a system (productive, communicational, operational) in itself, but it is also part of a large transportation system. Teaching team D3Naso2016: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Ezequiel Mendez Christie, Diego Gonzales King Matias Pallas, Silvana Zamborlini, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Nieves Yanarello #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba

Electric Commuter 2016

Design 3, tp4 Catedra Naso. 2016 . FADU

Main contents: Strategic thinking / Systems / Sustainability / Product semantics / Transport / Ergonomics / Brand identity. Modality: Individual. Stages: Research / Strategic Proposal / Development. Number of classes: 13 classes. Environment: Urban, Federal Capital. Scope: Public or Private. Summary: The students will develop a small Portable Electric Unipersonal Vehicle for the urban environment. The sequence of access to public transport will be taken into account with it, its use, climate protection, possible return, innovative technologies for its operation, if it is foldable, etc. This tp will be done individually. Analyze the issue in depth to then develop strategies and present a package of actions, solutions and proposals that aim to solve the issue in a given area, thus simulating the implementation of them as part of public strategies designed under the design practice taking into account its future implementation to 5 years. They will have to apply the identity of a chosen brand without the application of logo and / or logo. Teaching team D3Naso2016: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Ezequiel Méndez Christie, Matias Pallas, Silvana Zamborlini, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Nieves Yanarello #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba

Cooking System prototype 2016

Design 3, tp2 Catedra Naso. 2016 . FADU

Main contents: Realization of Prototype Tp2 stage B. Modality: Group of 3 students. Stages: Prototype development Number of classes: 8 weeks for its production and 2 exclusive classes. Synthesis: Verification and production control of the prototypes. Analysis of pieces, details, unions, quality and invoice. Also checking the sequences and dynamics of use. Delivery format: Panel / Prototypes Evaluation: Development process / Teamwork / Work class to class / Concretions / Presentation (Plans, diagrams and quality of information in sheets, prototypes) Summary: Develop a product concept in a group of 3 students within the theme Cooking System (10 pieces) that can be materialized as prototype 3 of its components. The idea is to show how the concept with all the semantic and use values ​​materializes, taking direct contact with the reality of the different phases of productive development. It will be divided into 4 different types of food and you will have to design the cooking system with pieces to cook a first course, main course and dessert of a menu pre-defined by the student. Types of food: Bolivian, Thai, Indu, Armeña, Japanese and Greek. Delivery format: Presentation Poster A3 (horizontal) + Digital File 70x100cm 72dpi (horizontal) + Plans 1: 1 according to IRAM standards Evaluation: Development process / Work class to class / Teamwork / Reaction to Comments received / reflection capacity / Project evolution / Quality of the proposal (analysis-proposal relationship, clarity and justification of the strategy and components) / Development and concretions (development of the structural, ergonomic, functional, symbolic and productive system, quality of the details) / Presentation (layout and quality of information in sheets, models) Teaching team D3Naso2016: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Ezequiel Mendez Christie, Matias Pallas, Silvana Zamborlini, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Nieves Yanarello #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba

Cooking System 2016

Design 3, tp2 Catedra Naso. 2016 . FADU

Main contents: We are interested, mainly, in the development of systems. In this sense, there will be a commitment in the strategy of each project with the structural, symbolic and functional development of each component of the system. The design experience will also be taken into account under real guidelines with future implementation of the resulting products. Likewise, emphasis will be placed on its minimum design, how innovative are its formal resources and formal quality of its components. Modality: Group of 3 students Stages: Research / Proposal / Development. Number of classes: 13 classes. Summary: Develop in a group of 3 students a product concept within the theme Cooking System (10 pieces) that can be materialized as prototype 3 of its components. The idea is to show how the concept with all the semantic and use values ​​materializes, taking direct contact with the reality of the different phases of productive development. It will be divided into 4 different types of food and you will have to design the cooking system with pieces to cook a first course, main course and dessert of a menu pre-defined by the student. Types of food: Bolivian, Thai, Indu, Armeña, Japanese and Greek. Delivery format: Presentation Poster A3 (horizontal) + Digital File 70x100cm 72dpi (horizontal) + Plans 1: 1 according to IRAM standards Evaluation: Development process / Work class to class / Teamwork / Reaction to Comments received / reflection capacity / Project evolution / Quality of the proposal (analysis-proposal relationship, clarity and justification of the strategy and components) / Development and concretions (development of the structural, ergonomic, functional, symbolic and productive system, quality of the details) / Presentation (layout and quality of information in sheets, models) Teaching team D3Naso2016: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Ezequiel Mendez Christie, Matias Pallas, Silvana Zamborlini, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Nieves Yanarello #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba

Product for Music Video 2016

Design 3, Catedra Naso. 2016 . FADU

Main contents: Semantics and technology given by context / Design of argument to justify the product. Modality: Individual. Initial research in teams of 3 students. Stages: Research / Proposal / Development. Number of classes: 10 classes. Movies: Group 1 Bjork – All is full of love Gorillaz – On Melancholy Hill. Group 2 Teachers: Swimming – I Do (Come True) Michael Jackson – Scream Group 3 Iron Maiden – The Final Frontier Katy Perry – ET ft. Kanye West Synthesis: Analyze the context, argued, art design, technological conditioning, among other aspects in groups of 3. They will elaborate a normative design manual for the analyzed user. Individually they will present design proposals for a new object of manual scale that, imaginatively, will be inserted in the object world of the chosen character respecting the physical laws of the context, sound of the object and the analyzed technological evolutionary level. They will develop one of the proposals to adjust it to the symbolic and technical aspects analyzed above. Delivery format: Presentation Poster A3 (horizontal) + Digital File 70x100cm 72dpi (horizontal) + Model Evaluation: Proposal (Semantics + Technology + Argument) / Development / Presentation / Process Teaching team D3Naso2016: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Ezequiel Méndez Christie, Matias Pallas, Silvana Zamborlini, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Nieves Yanarello #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba

Magnetic Levitation Utility Vehicle 2015

Design 3, Catedra Naso. 2015 . FADU

Synthesis: Each student will work on a given type of utilitarian VLM. They will analyze conditions of use and context in group form, to then elaborate a design proposal of a utilitarian VLM in individual form, with a package of motor, chassis, accumulators of energy and dice. The whole classroom will work on the same mechanical / structural platform. Pedagogical Objectives The aim is to focus on product development and not so much on functional mechanical development. The design of the symbolic aspects is fundamental. We will work on product semantics. It will also be important to develop the ergonomic aspects (not limited to the tactile). We will have the challenge of the design of the space perceived from the “interior” of the vehicle. We are interested in putting systemic thinking into practice. The vehicle represents a system (productive, communicational, operational) in itself, but it is also part of a large transportation system. Teaching team D3Naso2015: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Silvana Zamborlini, Ezequiel Mendez Christie, Diego Martin, Diego Gonzalez King, Maria Egan, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Ariana Lifschitz #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba

Public Strategy, Bicycle Nursery System 2015

Design 3, tp3 Catedra Naso. 2015 . FADU

Summary: The students will develop a system of public or private kindergartens of private bicycles for the urban area, working modules that can contain safely and protected 20 bicycles with an approximate surface of 25 m2, these modules should be multiplied according to the need in the chosen field to implement from 20 (1 module) to 60 bicycles (3 modules). It will take into account the sequence of access, use, climate protection and vandalism, return, innovative technologies for its operation, service areas related to the bicycle, etc. It is not necessary to design the bicycle since these are the private nature of each user. This tp will be done in groups of 3 students. Analyze the issue in depth to then develop strategies and present a package of actions, solutions and proposals that aim to solve the issue in a given area, thus simulating the implementation of them as part of public strategies designed under the design practice taking into account its future implementation to 5 years. Teaching team D3Naso2015: Jtp Rodrigo de Salvo, Silvana Zamborlini, Ezequiel Mendez Christie, Diego Martin, Diego Gonzalez King, Maria Egan, Seishu Zakimi, Martin Bozzola, Ariana Lifschitz #catedranaso # d3naso # diseñoindustrial #fadu #uba

Tableware Set Prototype 2015

Design 3, Tp2 , Catedra Naso. 2015 . FADU

Stage B: development and production of prototypes.