Author: RDS

Food Design 2020

Design 4, tp1 Cátedra de Salvo. 2020 . UNRaf

Stages: Research / Proposal Number of classes: 10 classes. Synthesis: Each student will be assigned a theme (gummies, cookies, snacks, dry pasta, ice cream and chocolate). The context will be analyzed, he argued, technological conditioning, among other aspects in groups of 3. They will elaborate a normative design manual for the analyzed topic. Individually they will present design proposals for a new food. They will develop one of the proposals to adjust it to the symbolic and technical aspects analyzed above. 2020 UNRaf. Design & Food.

Design 4 Project 2019

Design 4, Catedra Sanguinetti. 2019 . FADU

A nomadic outdoor station was designed that can be transported, assemble, disassemble and transported again, with all the necessary elements for the development of a specific activity selected. In groups of 3 members, students could choose between different activities related to: education, health and culture. It was projected on the idea of ​​a state entity as a simulated principal. It was essential to consider the social, cultural and economic context involved in each situation analyzed and in the solutions provided. The stations were designed for public use.

Portfolio Project 2019

Design 5, Catedra Naso. 2019 . FADU

We call the PORTFOLIO PROJECT the unique practical exercise of the Industrial Design workshop 5. There, students are expected to establish a certain position in front of the discipline, through the choice of the subject and the strategic approach to the project. Work was carried out on typologies chosen by each student (72 in total) within 5 thematic axes: HEALTH, GASTRONOMY, DIDACTICS, EQUIPMENT and VEHICLES. Some selected projects are published here.

Portfolio Project 2018

Design 5, Catedra Naso. 2018 . FADU

We call PROJECT PORTFOLIO to the unique exercise of the Industrial Design workshop 5. There students are expected to establish a certain position in front of the discipline, through the choice of topic and the strategic approach of the project. /// We worked on the typologies chosen by each student (60 in total) within 6 thematic axes: HEALTH, GASTRONOMY, DIDACTICS, HOME, PUBLIC SPACE and MOBILITY. /// Here some selected projects, Mobility typology was the theme I did coordinate. The final presentations consisted of 2 vertical sheets (45cm x 100cm) + models or prototypes + project process folders. /// Teaching staff: Valentín Cristiani, Rodrigo de Salvo, Gustavo Marinic, Diego Martín, Federico Montes, Sabrina Saladino, Marco Sanguinetti.

Test Drive Jules Electric Bike

Got the blast of riding the Jules electric bike made by Washington in the last Auto Clásica 2018! What a great machine!

Di:EX Talk

Thanks to the UNRaf for the invitation to participate in DI: EX 2018, a day of talks on industrial design experiences, where I present different experiences in the development of products throughout my professional career as Director of DipAgency. It was held on Thursday, November 1, at the Club de Automoviles Antiguos de Rafaela (CAAR). It had an important attendance of students, entrepreneurs, teachers and design professionals. The event was presented by the Dean of UNRaf, Dr. Rubén Ascúa, and the director of the Bachelor of Industrial Design, DI. Pablo Bianchi. It also had the presence of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Rosario Cristiani; the Secretary of Articulation with the Community, Eng. Franco Blatter; and the Secretary General, Mr. Mauricio Caussi.  speakers: DI Martín Burgos; DI Rodrigo de Salvo; DI Daniela Bernini; DI Inés Eguchi; DI Andrés Sasia; DI Dario Mercuri; and DESIGN COOPERATIVE (Bs.As.)

Personal Kit System 2018

Design 3, Catedra Naso. Tp2 2018 . FADU

Develop individually a product concept within the theme of the Personal Kit System (SKP) that can be materialized as a prototype for its operation and evaluation. The idea is to show how the concept with all the semantic values ​​of the theme and use materializes, taking direct contact with the reality of the different phases of productive development. It will be divided into 3 different types of recreational activities, they will have to design the complete system with a minimum of 5 pieces that includes 3 stages, transportation, preparation and last consumption. – Teaching team: Rodrigo De Salvo (JTP) / Marco Sanguinetti / Matías Pallás / Diego Gonzalez King / Nieves Yanarello / Mariano Sanchez / Federico Torres / Gonzalo Kaiser.

Designing for movies 2018

Design 3, tp1 Catedra Naso. 2018 . FADU

Each student choosed a movie according to the ones available in his general group of students. They analyzed the context, arguements, art design, technological conditioning, among other aspects in groups of 3. Them elaborated a design manual for the analyzed user. Individually they  presented design proposals for a new object of manual scale that will be imaginatively inserted in the object world of the chosen character respecting the physical laws of the context, sound of the object and the analyzed technological evolutionary level. They will develop one of the proposals to adjust it to the symbolic and technical aspects analyzed above. – Teaching team: Rodrigo De Salvo (JTP) / Matías Pallás / Diego Gonzalez King / Nieves Yanarello / Mariano Sanchez / Federico Torres / Gonzalo Kaiser.

Autonomous Bus Interior Design 2017

Design 3, tp4 Catedra Naso. 2017 . FADU

Each group will work on the given typology of the interior of the automaton bus. They will analyze conditions of use and context, and then elaborate a design proposal with a given interior package. The entire classroom will work on the same mechanical / structural platform. – Pedagogical Objectives The aim is to focus on product development and not so much on functional mechanical development. The design of the symbolic aspects is fundamental. We will work on product semantics. It will also be important to develop the ergonomic aspects (not limited to the tactile). We will have the challenge of the design of the space perceived from the “interior” of the vehicle. We are interested in putting systemic thinking into practice. The vehicle represents a system (productive, operational, communicational) in itself, but it is also part of a large transportation system. – Teaching team: Rodrigo De Salvo (JTP) / Matías Pallás / Silvana Zamborlini / Ezequiel Mendez Christie / Nieves Yanarello / Mariano Sanchez / Federico Torres.

Mobile Medical Equipment, Designer Identity 2017

Design 3, tp3 Catedra Naso. 2017 . FADU

The students developed a mobile medical equipment for the hospital environment, it took into account the sequence of mobility, its use, protection, innovative technologies for its operation, if it is foldable, etc. This tp was carried out individually but they analyzed the theme / designer in groups of 3 students to then develop strategies and individually present solutions and proposals that aspire to solve the issue in the given field, simulating the implementation of them taking into account account its future implementation to 5-10 years. They will have to apply the conceptual / semantic identity of a chosen Designer of the 2 available in their group. – Group 1 Ross lovegrove / Marc Newson – Mobile Ecografo –Grupo 2 Karim Rashid / James Dyson – Incubator. Movil – Group 3 Dieter Rams / Daniel Simon – Xray Movil – Teaching team: Rodrigo De Salvo (JTP) / Matías Pallás / Silvana Zamborlini / Ezequiel Mendez Christie / Nieves Yanarello / Mariano Sanchez / Federico Torres.